Rynus has this interesting character/habit which we discovered since he was about 6-7 months old, that he seems to understand people's (or rather say our) instructions/feelings very well, and he reacts promptly to that.
A good example is, on many occasions, when he attempts to reach out on Daddy's computer table from his cot, and snatches Daddy's cellphone, once we shout, "No Rynus, no!!", immediately, he will pause, for many seconds, looks into our eyes, and slowly pulls his hand back without touching Daddy's phonef, but at the same time, gives us a super pathetic look as if he's done something extremely bad or wrong.

Recently, his reaction becomes even "cuter" when he's not able to get what he wants. If I say "No" softly to him, he leans his head on my chest immediately and peeps at me with an innocent look, as if he's checking on my permission before making another attempt. But if I say "No" firmly with a stare, he often juts his lower lip out in a pout, gives an aggrieved look with a big frown, and then, bursts into tears and whine.
How to be angry with this little cutie pie? I can't imagine how would he react if I were to scold him one day, or rather, how shall I react then?!!!
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