But the bad news is, within 2 weeks, we have spend almost 200 dollars on these:
As expected, Rynus is not taking his Dumex Mamil Gold Step 3 formula well. Why I said "expected"? First of all, Mummy Chan has this lactose intolerance problem and that's why I seldom drink milk. Then, his brother, Renzo had a tough time taking this same formula 3 years back. Both of them started with the Dumex infant formula, and moved on to Step 2 formula at 6 months, but Renzo was vomiting badly like a merlion when he started Step 3 around one year old. TCM doctor advised us to switch him to soy based formula, as he could potentially have problem digesting lactose, which is found in Dumex Step 3 formula as a form of added sugar. In fact it's common to find lactose in almost all brands of formulas, just that at that time, we were not sure about the root cause and resorted to change of milk powder in the end. We even informed childcare teachers not to give Renzo fresh milk for 2 years since we were afraid he is allergic to cow's protein. But we switched him from Soy based formula to GainIQ Stage 3 when he was about 18 months old, and since then he was all good. Now I think back, lactose could be found in GainIQ Stage 3 also, but maybe we dragged a little longer to switch him from Soy formula to GainIQ Stage 3, and during the period he's on Soy formula, somehow his digestive system improved and was able to take lactose since then.

Well I have heard feedback from some mummies that GainIQ is sweeter, and more heaty, and some kids (especially boys) get hyper active with this brand. Please do not quote me on this as I am not an expert, and I am speaking based on my own experience here. I do not know the exact impact of GainIQ on Renzo. He didn't sleep much during the day since he was a baby, so I can't say GainIQ made him more active. He fell sick a bit more often after taking GainIQ and grandparents usually relate that to heaty food he took, but he started preschool around that same period and it's so common for kids to fall sick easily. He had a bit of bad temper and threw tantrums often but I rather believe that's due to his Terrible Twos.

For the time being, I've decided to let him stick to Dumex Step 2 instead since the kind customer care representative from Dumex has advised me that some babies take longer time to gradually move on to Step 3. Although he needs s little more time to readjust again, well frequent change of formula definitely made him exhausted, it's so good to see his bright smile again this morning when he woke up!!
Disclaimer: I am not comparing formula milk here, I just want to record down the fact about certain formula brands which my boys couldn't take well.
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