Three weeks back, the whole Chan family was down with bad flu. Renzo was having fever, cough and running nose, both Daddy Chan and I were having prolonged cough and sore throat. We were praying really hard that baby Rynus will be free from all flu bugs but to our dismay, he caught the flu bug from one of us (if not all of us) on the 3rd or 4th day while all of us were not showing much sign of recovery yet.

We brought him to the same PD Renzo visits at Raffles Medical clinic. At first he was not given any sort of medication besides a nose spray to clear up his congested nostril, as he's only 3 months old and too young for any medication. But 2 days later, we noticed that his condition was getting from bad to worse so we decided to visit the PD again. This time round, he was given some medicines for his cough, phlegm and he was put on nebulizer for two times. But in the late evening, after noticing that he's not really taking his milk nor sleeping well, we took the PD's advice and brought him down to Raffles Hospital A&E instead.

Well of course we do not think the situation is that urgent but since he's too young, we wouldn't want to see him suffer for too long. The PD on call for the week was quite a popular and very experienced lady - Dr. Veronica Toh. She seemed to be really knowledgeable and most importantly, she's super caring and very concerned about baby Rynus. She talked to Rynus while checking on his condition with a super sweet tone and before she put her stethoscope on Rynus' little body, she made an effort to warm it up a little on her own hands first. After a few rounds of thorough checking, she said Rynus was having quite a bad inflammation on his airway but he seemed to be a happy whizzer!! Yes he was extremely friendly, smiley and talkative to Dr Toh and all other nurses.

The next 2 days, I spent all my time in the hospital ward looking after little Rynus. I witnessed him going through quite a few tough treatment, such as taking medicines of all different colors, including a type of anti-biotic that most kids reject often; putting on nebulizer every 2 hourly; chest physio performed by professional therapist; and the most painful process was to put a thin but long tube into his nostril, and mouth, to suck out all the mucus and phlegm. Nurses told me that many parents cried when they saw their kids going through such kind of torture. Fortunately Rynus took it well and he could even sleep soundly while wearing his nebulizer mask.
Luckily after almost 3 days of treatment, Rynus was recovering fast and we brought home a much healthier baby on the 3rd day. And I brought him back to Dr. Veronica Toh's clinic at Raffles Hospital for a review after one week. The friendly doctor still remembers him and even told him "乖寶寶you are here again! You are still so smiley and talkative!! You are all good and can go back with mummy! I hope to see you again next time but not here okay, we meet outside!".. Dr Veronica showed me the report on the test result of Rynus' mucus and there were 1 virus and 2 bacterias found. The unfortunate little fella caught some bug that upsets young children easily. And for toddlers usually it causes cough and running nose but too bad, he's just a tiny little baby whose immune system is not strong enough to fight against the virus on his own.
At the moment I am writing this post, baby Rynus has fully recovered and he's doing well at home with his aunty Jonalyn.
I always thought little babies (especially those below 6 months) do not get sick easily, maybe that's because from my memory, the first time Renzo fell sick pretty seriously, he was already 15 months old. But I didn't factor in our current environment (2 adults and 2 young kids squeezing in one room).
Our stay at Raffles Hospital was a pleasant one, but the final bill was
quite a bomb although it's not to our surprise at all. Two nights stay
in a single room with all treatment, use of facilities and equipment,
doctor consultation fee, etc, added up to a total of 3.7k+. Luckily,
we've bought the hospitalization plan for Rynus just three weeks before
he was admitted to hospital. And to all our friends who have kids, please
make sure you spend some cash to invest on a good hospitalization plan,
to me that's way more important than other kind of insurance like whole
life, investment, savings, education or endowment plan.
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