Five years ago, before I was pregnant with Renzo, a great friend of mine from the Netherlands with 3 lovely daughters said to me:"Looking at my neighbors' 2 super active boys running around the backyard, I feel blessed that I have 3 girls!!" At that moment, I couldn't agree more with him. And during my pregnancy, my gynae even joked with us that "A daughter is a daughter for life, a son is a son till he's married!"..
After having my 2 boys, many people ask me this same question again and again: "Do you plan to try for another girl?".
I know some of them are just asking that for the fun of it; some of them are just curious to know if a mother of 2 sons really wish to have a girl; some of them, just prefer to have both boys and girls in a family, and, some of them, somehow, just believe girls are more filial to the parents when they grow up and it's a pity that I do not have any daughter.
Girls are more filial than boys? Is that really true? I came from a family with just 2 girls (my twin sister and I) so I can't really answer for that. But yes to certain extend, I know boys are girls are very different when comes to family relationship, but I personally think to have a filial child or not, it all depends on family upbringing and environment.

My sister has 2 girls and I hear often from her on how sweet her elder one treats her every time. But honestly, I have my Renzo boy who wraps me up with his blanket when he thinks I am cold; who tells me "YOU" when I look into his eyes and ask what is he thinking; who says he wants to marry me and buy me a big diamond when he grows taller and stronger; who asks if he could help me tie my hair because he wants me to be pretty; and who gets "angry" with his little brother for being naughty when Rynus accidentally hits me with his toys. And for Rynus boy, although he's just a 9 months old baby who doesn't know how to express himself, he puts up the brightest smile everyday when I walk towards him; he calls me "ma, ma" when I step away from his cot without carrying him up; he laughs in my arms when I feed him milk at 3am every morning; and he hides under my arms when other people want to carry him when I bring him for daily stroll before going to work... Aren't these great enough? Someone says but, once they get married, it's a totally different story! Well to be honest, I will be more than glad when one day my boys could treat their wives this way, that will be the time I could stop worrying for them as a mother and my husband and I could enjoy our own couple time again!
So do I want another girl? Nope, I said in my
previous post that my life is complete with my 2 boys, and I really meant it. I don't have to defense my answer by listing my concerns about my age, my career, my finances, my chance of conceiving a baby girl, my ability to get a good caregiver or provide a good life for a 3rd one. It's not that I don't like girls, but I will never consider having another girl just because many people think girls will take better care of their aging parents.

Come on, let's face the fact, my husband is the one and only one person in this world, who supposed to spend a life time with me, not my parents, not my children, not anybody else. If the reason of having kids is so that I can depend on them when I get old, honestly, don't have kids then!! Save up the amount of $$ I have to spend on kids, and I can jolly well enjoy an extremely luxurious life at retirement age, or better, I might be able to even retire early. The amount of time, money and efforts spent on raising up a kid is really beyond imagination, and calculation! But once they grow up, they will have their own lives and as parents, we only wish that the boys could grow up together with brotherly love for each other, have good health, successful career and most importantly, a harmonious family of their own!
Parents with kids of same gender might have this stereotyped image of always wanting another one of opposite sex, but in actual fact, we just enjoy and appreciate our own kids as the best gifts in the world, and it's indeed easier to bring them up as we are more experienced and for our kids, they can play well together as they are likely to share similar interest especially during their childhood time.
I love you both perpetually my Renzo and Rynus boy with all my heart, and 100% unconditionally!!
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