Honestly I have not been realizing how time flies with his growth. We are not paying much attention to his development milestones, maybe because he's the 2nd child of the family and we still have so much to go through with Renzo, who is just 1.5 years away from entering primary school. But today, when a friend of mine shared this "Expert Parenting Advice vs. Actual Parenting Reality" chart on facebook, I find it extremely interesting and tried to relate my own experience with Rynus' upbringing.
You see, expert is not THAT WRONG after all!!

The expert's advice might sound like "mission impossible" to many, but if you understand that your action is going to benefit your kids, you would then agree with the experts, majority of the time. The only few items that I could not agree with, are more because I know our kids will soon outgrow those stages and once they are able to communicate well, there's higher chance you could change them for better behavior with proper reasoning.
I often say each kid is uniquely special and there's no parenting formula that works for all. But with my 2 boys having totally different characters and personalities, I noticed that our principles of parenting do not change much except for a bit of twisting here and there, although their reaction/response are often different.

As for Rynus, he is a happy go lucky boy in general, he doesn't cry or throws tantrums for no reason. His usual requests are not much (generally about food only)

If I say I've learned enough tips to turn Renzo into a tantrum free boy over the years, then Rynus is probably a tantrum free boy to begin with, erh, or maybe, just not yet... LOL...
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