Life has been good after Ayeaye left (complaints from MIL dropped to zero, LOL), till I got pregnant with Rynus. We planned to send Rynus to a nanny (who is my MIL's friend staying a few blocks away from us) initially, but she backed out last minute due to other commitment and we got permission from my in laws to hire a helper, again.
Somehow I feel that we have quite some luck in finding good domestic helpers. If we say Ayeaye is good, then our new helper Jonalyn from Philippines is definitely as good, or even better, in terms of caring our little baby Rynus Chan.
I always say that Renzo is a lucky boy because I managed to look after him at home till he was exactly 8 months old. And even after I returned to work and left him to Ayeaye, Daddy Chan was working half day till Renzo was about 13 months old. So we never really need to purposely take leave just to bring Renzo for his vaccination, and we didn't miss much of his major development (both physically and mentally) since we spent quite a lot of time with him. On the contrary, I have to leave Rynus to his aunty Jonalyn when he just turned 2 months old, and being the 2nd child, we do not have as much bonding time with him, since we need to give a lot of attention to Renzo especially while he's experiencing his "Terrible Two" stage.
But luckily, Jona being a young mother of a 9 years old boy, is pretty experienced in handling infant, at least in my opinion. I was looking after Rynus 24x7 all by myself during my confinement month. Jona did knocked at my door a few times and offered her help, but I told her to wait till Rynus is a little bigger and forms a better routine. I was a little concerned at first and only left Rynus to her for a few hours to half a day during the 2nd month, but slowly I realized she's really capable of handling Rynus well. Other than feeding him well and playing with him often, she knows how to observe the baby and get his cues. And that makes my life so much easier after I returned to work on Aug 02. The best part is, Rynus really loves her also. I can see so much interaction between the two and they seem to really enjoy it! Jona likes to update me on Rynus' daily progress.
Just this morning, she told me that Rynus seems to have a bit of rashes on his face, which I did not really notice indeed. When I told her I will apply some cream for him at night, she immediately verified with me which cream am I going to use so that she could just apply for him since I am rushing out to work. That makes me believe that she really cares a lot about our little boy. I recalled there was a period of time Renzo always wanted his Aunty Ayeaye instead of mummy, I am sure Rynus will be even more clingy to our helper, that can make me quite upset sometimes but for now, I am appreciative to what Jona is doing for him, and us.
Look at how much fun they are having together here!!
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