Once, we caught him running into the bedroom and pulling out Renzo's blanket, he looked super adorable when he was attempting to cover his kor kor up, though I seriously wonder his intent was to have kor kor play with him when I saw his big grin with delight after he "accidentally" woke Renzo up from his nap...
Our helper has been telling us that Rynus often dreamed of Renzo during his naps, and shouted "kor kor", before he turned one side and snuggled up to his big bolster, and went back to sleep again..
Climbing up to Renzo's back is his favorite way of playing with his kor kor recently. And each time, Renzo's effort in pushing him away, just makes him even more excited.

Look at Rynus' "vigorous dance" when Renzo sets the DVD to fast play!!
Maybe in the eyes of Rynus, Renzo is the only, and the closest person to him besides Mummy and Daddy. I really wish one day when Renzo reads this post, it could somehow bring back some sweet memories about his little brother as a baby...