- words used most frequently: "mama", "korkor";
- words with most syllables: "mama", "korkor";
- only words he seems to know: "mama", "korkor"...
Am I worried? Nope..
Am I concerned? Nope..
Am I bothered? YES man, I am!! Why? Because I feel that it is more because being the 2nd child of the family, Rynus wasn't getting 100% attention from us, and unfortunately, he could never get that..
I remember our ex-helper singing the ABC song countless times a day, reading number 1-20 to Renzo at least 5 times till she could memorize the entire numbers poster. I recite 6x Chinese poems + 三字经 at least 4 times a day, I sing along the alphabets and their phonics sounds introduced by Leapfrog whenever Renzo is watching the DVD, I carry Renzo to the window and spend at least 15 minutes a day to teach him how to differentiate car, taxi, van, bus, motorcycle, etc. And before bedtime, I sing about 6-7 lullabies to Renzo non-stop till he slowly drifted off to lalaland. My full 4 months of maternity leave, plus another 4 months of working from home, plus another half a year that Daddy worked half day in the morning, definitely allowed us to provide more support to Renzo's academic growth.

Last night, I finally decided to put in even more efforts, by introducing all the alphabets and numbers to Rynus before bedtime, while carrying him and walking around his room. Even Renzo seems to be concerned with his little bro's progress and he was trying to teach Rynus "sticker", "octopus" and "water", like a real teacher! I've joked with Daddy many times that Rynus doesn't need to be smart, his job for now, is just to stay cute and sweet, so to keep us entertained and melted all the time. LOL..
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