For the past 2 months, he didn't really put on too much weight but remained around 9.4kg due to his bad health. After our visit to Dr Ong Eng Keow on Dec 15, 2012, we had to finally make a trip down to Dr Veronica Toh's clinic at Raffles Hospital, on Jan 16, 2013, as Rynus baby has not fully recovered after 1 month! Indeed his situation got a little worse after he recovered 80% back in Dec, and he's been coughing badly and vomiting frequently after his mid-night feed, that's why we decided to give Dr Toh a try instead, since she's the expert who has a full record of Rynus' medical history.

So now since Rynus is getting very close to full recovery, I started to think about his physical/mental development at about 8 months.

Renzo was able to sit on his own unsupported when he was only 5 months, but till now, Rynus still can't really do that.
Renzo was able to clap his hands, respond to "high five", and recognize a few objects as well as alphabets around this age, but Rynus can't do any of them.
I re-read Renzo's development at month 07 and month 08 and I am really pretty amazed with his progress at that time. I do feel that although our ex-helper Ayeaye is not as good as our current helper Jona, in almost every aspect, in terms of doing housework, looking after baby, and cooking, Ayeaye's efforts and ability to help with Renzo's academic growth, is just indelible!

Am I worried about his growth? Nope, not at all!! Every kid is different and in fact Rynus crawls and eats a lot better than Renzo. He even knew how to clear his throat by coughing out the phlegm since he was 5 months old, where his kor kor doesn't even know how to blow his nose at 3 years and 5 months old -_-!! And, not to forget that our little Rynus has super sweet personality and brings lots of laughter to everyone inside, and outside the house!!
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